Archive for the Noticias Category

Lógicas del sentido

| November 25th, 2019

    Por cuestiones de fuerza mayor, me encontré revisando cuadernos de mis cursadas de Letras, hace más de 10 años atrás. Entre las muchas cosas que encontré, me tope con esta página de notas personales, que me puso muy contento el haber releido:

    ¿Hay chances de armar una gramática formal ad-hoc, en tiempo real, por discurso?

    Sería más bien una tecnología del discurso, como producto grágico/material de una serie de procesos analíticos.

    Analizar sintácticamente con múltiples modelos y generar graduaciones relacionales entre planos autónomos de análisis; cada modelo, un plano.
    Este resultado sería estructural siempre, y único en cada discurso.
    Permitiría abarcar la variabilidad del lenguaje.

    Hay, por ejemplo, condiciones funcionales, jerarquías estructurales, efectos posibles, prototipicidades, leyes de-facto, etc; todos esos son elementos de la unidad mínima del significado.

    La unidad es compleja; relacional, multidimensional, funcional, y contingente.
    Esta unidad sería objeto condicional de diferentes procesos.

    No quiero buscar normalidad; necesito trabajar lo posible.

    Ojo al efecto de ver “así algo”; se entiende “algo así” aún antes de leerlo. Se reconocen formas grupales.

    Adecuación de la gramática al sujeto, y no al revés.
    La unidad no se ubica: se construye. No es un investigador, sino un constructor de efectos. La condición es el efecto.

    Cortito y al pié:




    Seguí diciéndole “información” a eso…

Ley de DRM en Portugal

| October 24th, 2017

Dejo una noticia para celebrar.

Electronic Frontier Foundation: primera ley decente de DRM en el mundo.


Second and perhaps even more significantly, the law prohibits the application of DRM to certain categories of works in the first place. These are works in the public domain (including new editions of works already in the public domain), and to works published or financed by the government. This provision alone will be a boon for libraries, archives, and for those with disabilities, ensuring that they never again have to worry about being unable to access or preserve works that ought to be free for everyone to use. The application of DRM to such works will now be an offence under the law, and if DRM has been applied to such works nevertheless, it will be permitted for a user to circumvent it.


Recuerden pasar por el feed de noticias del gremio para más información como esta.

Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars


“I feel committed to being the person who’s there to help millennials, the next generation, go on to become critical thinkers,” she said. “And I’m really good at it, and I really like it. And it’s heartbreaking to me it doesn’t pay what I feel it should.”

Sex work is one of the more unusual ways that adjuncts have avoided living in poverty, and perhaps even homelessness. A quarter of part-time college academics (many of whom are adjuncts, though it’s not uncommon for adjuncts to work 40 hours a week or more) are said to be enrolled in public assistance programs such as Medicaid.

They resort to food banks and Goodwill, and there is even an adjuncts’ cookbook that shows how to turn items like beef scraps, chicken bones and orange peel into meals.


Cinderella is homeless, Ariel ‘can’t afford to live on land’: Disney under fire for pay


“Disney, we feel, is a contributor to the homeless problem here in Anaheim,” said protest organizer Jeanine Robbins, a longtime local resident. “There are Disney employees who live on the street. They live in their cars. They live in unstable housing.”

Occasionally, there are consequences of the most tragic kind.

Amid an unprecedented regional homelessness crisis, there are almost 4,800 people experiencing homelessness in Orange County, where Anaheim is located, on any given night. More than half can be found on the streets or in other places unfit for habitation. It is unclear exactly how many are Disney employees, but it should perhaps come as no surprise that some face challenges.


Jews in Texas Already in Hiding From Neo-Nazis; Holiday Service Held at Secret Location


Last month In Charlottesville, Virginia, there was a torchlight parade that passed in front of a college town synagogue, home of Congregation Beth Israel, with the marchers chanting “Jews will not replace us!” and “Blood and soil!” Some of the marchers had long guns. Those chants were recycled from Hitler’s original Nazis, as was the torchlight parade.


Maldonado y los hijos de puta

| September 26th, 2017

    ¿Ves esto?.

Nota de Página/12

    Mirá a estos otros hijos de puta lo que te publican.

Nota de hijos de una gran puta 1

    Miralos bien.

Nota de hijos de una gran puta 2

    Después no te hagás el boludo cuando le digas a eso “información”.

Paso a paso

| August 13th, 2017

Esto a las 12 del mediodía: